How To Change Font Size On iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro

There are many options for those who prefer a larger font size on their iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro screen.

Apple now allows iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro users the ability to modify and adjust text in any apps that support Dynamic Type. Below are two ways you can change font size on your iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro.

Reasons to alter font size or text size:

You prefer a specific font size.

You have visual problems.

The font size of an app is too small or too large.

Change the font size on iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro using

Turn your iPhone.

Select Settings.

Select Display and Brightness.

Text Size: To allow you to choose the text size that suits your needs

Bold Text: To display the text in Bold letters

Select Text Size to adjust the text size. Drag the slider to adjust the text size. Drag left to increase or decrease.

You will see a menu telling you that “Applying the setting will restart your iPhone/iPad”, click on Continue. To make the changes effective, your Apple device will reboot.

How to Change the Font Size into Dynamic Type on iPhone 13 & iPhone 13 Pro:

To take full advantage of Dynamic Type, you can convert the text to Dynamic Type. This makes it easy to read any text. It is not supported by every app. Here’s how to enable it.

Turn on your iPhone.

Select Settings

Select All.

Select Accessibility

Select Larger Text

Switch to Larger Accessibility Sizes

Drag the slider to adjust your preferred size.

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